Air Force Museum of New Zealand our new Film

Air Force Museum of New Zealand

19 november om 18:22  · 

HERC YEAH! Our new film about the extraordinary Lockheed C-130H Hercules is now in the works.

And we’d like to say a huge thank you to No. 40 Squadron for hosting us at Whenuapai, taking part in the filming and for providing NZ7002 as the perfect cinematic backdrop last week.

Also on our thank you list is retired Wing Commander Gordon Ragg, one of the young pilots who flew NZ7003 on its delivery flight in 1965.

Gordon generously gave us his time to recount his memories of what it was like to fly the brand-new Hercules all those years ago, and what a contrast it was to the piston-engined Hastings and DC-6s.

The last of the fleet of C-130Hs is due to retire in January, having served the RNZAF for almost six decades.

From Antarctica to Afghanistan the Hercs have done it all, and we can’t wait to tell their story with documentary maker Belmont Productions.

We will be putting together an exhibiton to go with the film, similar to the one we have running currently to pay tribute to our other extraordinary aircraft – the P-3K2 Orion.

In case you haven’t already seen it here’s the Orion story – – and we look forward to doing the same for the Herc.


RNZAF C-130H Hercules was a regular sight in Central Otago and Lake Districts during Exercise Skytrain,

TORY📰 Southern landscapes have been the training grounds for No.40 Squadron during a nine-day air drop exercise aimed at honing skills for the real thing.

A C-130 Hercules was a regular sight in Central Otago and Lake Districts during Exercise Skytrain, which focussed on tactical low-level flying and delivering and picking up loads in scenarios where areas could be under threat.

The flying techniques practised are essential in keeping our aircrews’ flying currency up-to-date, as well as the skills used on deployed operations.

The Hercules and our personnel from Bases Auckland, Ohakea and Woodbourne deployed to Wānaka Airport, alongside personnel from the New Zealand Army.


Royal New Zealand Air Force C-130J-30 Hercules to come off the Lockheed Martin production line

Kiwi roundel complete ✅ The first of our Royal New Zealand Air Force C-130J-30 Hercules to come off the Lockheed Martin production line in Georgia, United States has received its official livery – featuring the RNZAF Kiwi Roundel and No. 40 Squadron’s mariner’s compass.

Five new aircraft are on track for delivery starting from late this year to replace the C-130H (NZ) Hercules aircraft, which were purchased in 1965.

The new aircraft can carry a greater number of pallets, due to their additional 4.5 metre length and payload capacity of 21 tonnes.

The second Hercules in the fleet is not far behind, ready for its full-body paint job.

Read more about the project and watch the video ➡️